Unlock the Power of the Mind: Neuroscience-Backed Training for Transformational Success

world class training in the most revolutionary system for transforming lives.

A complete solution-based system, Transformation Mastery System™ , combines the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Coaching, NLP, CBT, and Neuroscience.

Welcome to the American Hypnosis & Coaching Academy, where cutting-edge neuroscience meets the art of hypnosis and coaching. Our signature program, the Transformation Mastery System™, is more than just a training system—it's a gateway to mastering the mind for peak performance and profound transformation.

Why Neuroscience? Neuroscience is the backbone of our training. Understanding the brain's mechanisms allows us to design strategies that tap into the subconscious, reshape thought patterns, and foster lasting change. Our methods are grounded in scientific research, ensuring that you're learning techniques that are not just effective, but scientifically validated.

Transformative Learning Experience Our program isn't just informative—it's transformative. By integrating principles from Hypnotherapy, Coaching, NLP, CBT, and Neuroscience, we've created a holistic approach that addresses both the conscious and subconscious mind. This dual focus empowers our students to achieve breakthroughs that traditional methods can't reach.

Practical and Applied Neuroscience: We don't just teach theory; we focus on practical application. Our training equips you with tools to understand and leverage brain functioning for better decision-making, enhanced creativity, improved stress management, and higher emotional intelligence.

For Whom? Whether you're a budding coach, a seasoned therapist, or someone passionate about personal development, our program is tailored to elevate your skills. You'll learn how to harness the power of the mind to facilitate growth, not just for yourself but for those you guide.

Join Our Community Be part of a community that's at the forefront of neuroscience-backed coaching and hypnotherapy. Our graduates are recognized for their depth of understanding and their ability to create impactful change.

Schedule a Free 30 Minute Discovery Session today.

Excellent teacher, trainer and professional! Rebecca Shaw drew from her decades of experience as a hypnotherapist in a very logical, concise, objective, and professional manner.
— Renee Beauchamp

Our Niche

People can stay stuck for months or years even with the help of traditional coaching and therapy. We teach a system to bridge the gap so your clients can go further, faster.

take action

Become a master of mindset and behavior change. Your personal and professional transformation will be profound.